Friday, 8 June 2012

lpg conversions

An Lpg gas conversions is the perfect place for getting your vehicle's LPG conversions done. You need professional in the work to do this for you because not everyone can do the job with perfection. You should be able to the trust the people doing this for you because the products used have to be of great quality and has to be done with utmost care.
There is a different LPG system suitable for different types of cars that is why it becomes important to match the right type of LPG system that suits your car. As specialists in the work we can select the right system for your car from the wide range of the LPG products in the market. This is to ensure that you do not have any problem while using the LPG system after it has been fitted to your car. It would perform better only if the LPG conversions is of the same standard as it is done in the factory.
There are different types of LPG gas conversions. Air valve system is one of the cheapest types of conversion. The vehicles which have the make of prior to 2004 are commonly fitted with this system. Here the air valve draws the gas into the inlet manifold from the gas mixture. Vapor injection system is fitted to the vehicles post 2004 onwards. This is best for EFI vehicles. This system is a need for the vehicles because it helps to meet the Emission regulations by the Government. The vapour injection system injects the gas in the combustion chamber of the engine. Then there is liquid injection that injects gas into the combustion chamber in the liquid form. This is very suitable for EFI vehicles. This system of liquid injections is the most advance system of LPG conversions. This system of liquid injections is more efficient and cheap in comparison to the vapor injections.

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